=============== Bitly Minifier =============== ---------------------------- 1. Authentication for bitly ---------------------------- .. code-block:: python from microurl import bitlyauthentication authentication = bitlyauthentication(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri) auth_url=authentication.authorization_url() open auth_url in your browser.After authorizing app, you will be redirected to redirect_url with code perameter. .. code-block:: python access_token=authentication.get_accesstoken_from_code(code) # code that you get to redirect_url in the above step ---------------------------------------------- 2. Authentication using username and password ---------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: python access_token=authentication.get_accesstoken_from_username_pwd(bitlyusername or login email,password) ------------ Basic Usage ------------ **Function definitions (i.e. shorturl()) can be found by reading over microurl/bitly.py** .. code-block:: python from microurl import bitlyapi bitly=bitlyapi(access_token) # access_token is getting from previous steps minified=bitly.shorturl(longurl,domain)['url'] # domain is optional here **To get detail information of bitlylink.** .. code-block:: python bitly.url_info(bitlylink,expand_user='True | False',hash='one or more bitly hashes') # expand_user,hash are optional here **To get the number of clicks on a single bitly link.** .. code-block:: python bitly.link_clicks(bitlylink, unit="day", units=10, timezone=-4, limit=20, unit_reference_ts="now") # here except bitlylink all are optional **To get the number of shares on a single bitly link.** .. code-block:: python bitly.link_shares(bitlylink, unit="day", units=10, timezone=-4, limit=20, unit_reference_ts="now") # here except bitlylink all are optional **To get loggedin user info** .. code-block:: python bitly.user_info() **To get user link history in reverse chronological order.** .. code-block:: python bitly.user_linkhistory(bitlylink, limit=20, offset=1, created_after='1381000000', created_before='1381844314', expand_client_id=True, archived="both", private="both") # here all fields are optional